Let’s face it, I’m not trendy or cool. I believe the most romantic song in the world is Wichita Lineman because of the line “And I need you more than want you / and I want you for all time” and in summer I normally wear boardshorts to my studio (but I always look schmick when I am photographing a wedding). Also my wedding photos aren’t trendy or cool. But my wedding photography is romantic, timeless and elegant. That’s great for you. The wedding photos I take are going to look fabulous forever.
When I started photographing weddings back in the mid 1990s (yeah, I know I look like I’m only 21 but I’m really that old) the trendy thing was weird angles with super saturated cross-processed colour while wearing Oakley wrap around sunglasses with Iridium lenses. Super cool back then, awful, dated and embarrassing now.
The modern equivalent of that is the overuse of commercially available Photoshop actions combined with certain trendy poses. So many people think it’s super cool and creative, but trust me, those photos with moustaches on a stick are going to look downright stupid in a couple of years. I’m in good company too. Was just looking at wedding photos taken by Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ wedding photographer, Robert Evans. Not a trendy pose or piece of groovy Photoshopping to be seen – just great, solid wedding photography that will pass the test of time.
Want proof? I just found these images I took back in the 90s.

By the way, the car below is an Auburn Roadster and was once owned by Harry Belafonte (see, told you I wasn’t cool and trendy).

This is fantastic information. Great writing as usual, thanks!