Christmas Family Portraits Tips

I’ve got a tip for you. If you want a photo of your family to include with Christmas cards etc but don’t want to hire a professional photographer here’s some tips:

  • Get a tripod and your camera instruction book – learn how to use the self timer feature
  • Make sure the batteries are charged (I know, it’s a given but you’d be surprised …)
  • Choose your location. A brightly lit spot, out of direct sunlight with an uncomplicated background works best. Like outdoors under a big shady tree. Alternatively open all the curtains and all pile onto the couch. I love the look of a family photo on a completely overloaded couch.
  • Clean up. You might be so used to the ‘untidy corner’ of your yard or loungeroom that you don’t see it anymore, but it will be blindingly obvious in a photo
  • Wear simple clothes without bold patterns
  • Relax. Have fun. If it helps the kids to relax by having a toy in the photo, then let them. It shows what they like and that’s part of their personality
  • And the most important bit – Take the photos this weekend or you are going to run out of time.

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