Next Photography Adventure. Follow Me

I'm about to abandon my family again for another photographic adventure. In the morning I am off to India for a couple of weeks to photograph the Holi colour festival among other things. Here's how you can keep track of my adventures. Like my page on Facebook here. Follow me on Twitter here. Check out … Continue reading Next Photography Adventure. Follow Me

commercial photography

Smoking Hot Family Photos

Sending out good vibes and wishes to everyone sweltering across Australia this week in the hot, hot summer. Here's a greeting and some 'coolth' from a photo shoot I did in London a few weeks back.

AIPP Member Photographers – Look for the Logo

Just thought I'd drop in a quick note about the Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP). The AIPP was established in 1963 with the twin objectives of: "Promoting the profession of photography" "Enhancing the skill and knowledge of professional photographers" The AIPP is a member run organisation and the closest thing to a regulator of … Continue reading AIPP Member Photographers – Look for the Logo

Time Travelling Photographer

I'm a professional photographer and I am also a time traveller. The new iPhone is expected to be announced next week and I will most likely buy one. My current phone is over 3 years old now and so makes for an interesting look at my life. Looking back through the photos it chronicles a … Continue reading Time Travelling Photographer

AIPP Photographer

Accredited Associate Member of the Australian Institute of Photography

Just thought I'd mention that I am an Accredited Member of the Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP). I'm also an Associate Member of the AIPP. What's that mean? I'm glad you asked. There are levels to membership of the AIPP and for the most part moving through the levels is based on continued demonstration … Continue reading Accredited Associate Member of the Australian Institute of Photography

Paris photographer

Travel Photography Tip. How to Get Great Images From Your Holidays

As I travelled around Paris I constantly encountered enormous groups of tourists armed with the latest high end camera gear. Unfortunately for them, I can pretty much guarantee that their images are terrible and they would have been better off buying some postcards and sticking to taking photographs on their telephones. In order to get … Continue reading Travel Photography Tip. How to Get Great Images From Your Holidays

My Photography Featured With the Best In The World

Every year the Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP) publishes a book showcasing all the award winning photographs from the previous year. It's sent to all members and was delayed a bit this year. I'm stoked the book has just arrived. So proud to have my work featured alongside some of the best photography in … Continue reading My Photography Featured With the Best In The World

Byron Bay Beach Wedding Photography

New Website Launched, Finally

I've had some dramas over the past few weeks; good dramas. I've just redone my website. Some blog pictures and posts got messed up so some old links may not work, but it's back and looking classy. I liked the old website and blog, but it had a major problem - Microsoft changed some things … Continue reading New Website Launched, Finally

Kingscliff Wedding Photographer

How to Lose Weight and Get In Shape For Your Wedding – 5 Tips

It's an issue that pretty much every bride fears and every wedding photographer faces. If not managed properly the fear results in a simple statement to the photographer on the wedding day, "Can you Photoshop out my back fat?". The problem is that's the wrong question. The bride should have asked the question months before, … Continue reading How to Lose Weight and Get In Shape For Your Wedding – 5 Tips