It’s My Birthday, Who’s Buying?

Happy Birthday to me!! Yeah. Another year down and you know what that means … even more nasty looks from old ladies who think I should grow up and behave. So this coming year I promise to:

  • wear shoes even less during the week
  • do more skidding to a stop on my bike
  • take more jumps off kerbs, stairs, etc on my bike
  • surf more
  • laugh out loud at people wearing dopey clothes (if they didn’t want the attention they wouldn’t do it)
  • wear dopey clothes
  • dance where I want to
  • sing when I want to
  • etc, etc
  • I’m doing very little today, just chilling at home with the girls. Leonie’s headed off to get some things sorted for a small gathering tonight at her sisters place.

    Yesterday’s stock photoshoot went well at the beach (even though the weather didn’t exactly co-operate) and I am looking forward to another great wedding to photograph at the Ballina Beach Resort tomorrow.