Trash the Dress

Trash the Dress – what is “Trash the Dress”?

It’s a growing movement to do something outrageous in full bridal attire in the days or weeks after the wedding. It can range from the benign like taking photos in a messy environment (I love shooting in back alleys and under dirty bridges on the wedding day itself) through to full destruction like setting the dress on fire.

So here I am shooting a great wedding on a tropical island with two totally laid back people, couldn’t help myself.

Started out easy. Just feet and the bottom of the dress wet in the ocean.

Trash the Dress

Then to the pool. Just after this shot I asked the bride to dive in. The collective gasp from the holiday makers pool side was brilliant.

Trash the Dress

Finally to a sheltered beach for a spot of full imersion.

Trash the Dress

Thanks Wal & Bianca. You rock.