Welcome To The New Year. Now Get Back to Work.

I’ll be back into the studio tomorrow after a nice, but wet, break. Finally made it to the beach today where the scourge of the Australian summer was in abundance, the bluebottle or portuguese man ‘o war.


Have I made any resolutions for the New Year? Kind of. I’m going to try stand up paddleboarding, get my weight back somewhere in the 70s (even if it is 79.9kg), shoot more stock imagery, win an international photography award and I have some great ideas for producing some really funky wedding photography albums. And I’ve got two business ideas to launch as well. One photography related, the other completely out of left field. We’ll see if they are goers, more research needed on the viability of both.

And I am going to blog more often (makes my Mum think I am working harder than I really am, but don’t tell her that).