It’s Photography Awards Time Again

It’s that time of year again when Australia’s top professional photographers gather to have their souls ripped open and hopefully revel in awards glory. The Australian Professional Photography Awards, correct title the “Canon AIPP APPA’s”, start tomorrow.

As every man and his dog these days seems to be picking up a camera and declaring they are a pro photographer, so too are they attaching the label “Award Winning Photographer” to their shingle. Problem is, many photography awards out there are dead dodgy. One wedding based organisation seems to give it’s awards solely to people who give them money. Other competitions declare every entrant an award winner. There are other great photography awards and competitions out there like the Epson International Pano Awards, The Olive Cotton and HeadOn, but the APPAs are the awards most professional photographers turn to in order to see how their work stacks up.

Entering the APPAs means you are messing with the big boys.

This year I am a little extra nervous. Actually, I am a lot extra nervous. If my images score highly enough, I will gain the title Master Photographer. They are great photos and I don’t think I could have done any more. I’m really proud of the work I have entered. One image is from Paris, two were taken in Berlin and the final image is from Bali.

Wish me luck and if you would like to check out some of the judging it will be streamed live from the website. Click here for more info.

I will try and post my images and results to my Facebook page as they are judged. Go like my page here, to keep an eye on how I perform.

APPA awards