Commercial and Business Photography in Northern NSW

In addition to being a wedding photographer, I also photograph a range of things for local Northern NSW businesses. This commercial photography can be anything from product photography in my studio, to location photography or other promotional photography for your businesses. I recently did a 3 day photoshoot at various locations around Ballina, Byron Bay, Lennox Head and outside Lismore for Creative Blinds. It was a great shoot that went super smoothly even though the lighting was particularly tricky.

Balllina Commercial Photography

Northern NSW Commercial Photography

Byron Bay Commercial Photography

I regularly shoot commercial images for clients who have decided to have a go at the photography themselves first to save money. The problem is that when they don’t manage to get the shot, they may have wasted significant time trying. I shot one job where the client had tried for 3 solid days to get what they were after. They called me at the last minute to step in and complete it for them. It was a studio shot that I set up, lit, photographed and post processed in under an hour. By trying to save my fee, they wasted 3 days of their own time.

If you are considering the need for some photography to help promote your business, please drop me an email or give me a call.