Small Business

Small Business Commercial Photography

Looking for commercial photography for your small business? I'm currently looking for small business people to photograph for stock photography purposes. These images will be taken for free and you will be able to use them for your promotional purposes. In return I will require signed model releases for anyone in the images and a … Continue reading Small Business Commercial Photography

Australian Aboriginal Model

Sydney Commercial Stock Photography

I've been away again but this time I didn't go too far. Just ducked to Sydney to do some stock photography with Australian Aboriginal models. I am always looking for indigenous guys and girls to model for me - particularly if you're in Northern NSW. If you're interested, drop me a message from the contacts … Continue reading Sydney Commercial Stock Photography

Owen Price

Working With Other Photographers For Fun and Money

This time last week I was just finishing up photographing in Hong Kong with the crew from Getty Images (especially Bill Bon) and iStock. We got to experience some extreme luxury and fantastic service at the InterContinental Grand Stanford but even better was that I was doing my shoot along side another great photographer, Owen … Continue reading Working With Other Photographers For Fun and Money

Stock Photography

Hong Kong Stock Photography and Perhaps Some Wedding Photos

I'm fresh back from Hong Kong where I have been producing stock photography images of luxury themes with the crew from iStock and Getty Images. Here is a quick video slideshow showing some of the Hong Kong luxury I captured there. Great place for some different and interesting wedding photography. If any brides are after … Continue reading Hong Kong Stock Photography and Perhaps Some Wedding Photos

Taj Mahal

Greatest Photo Ever Taken of the Taj Mahal

I'm feeling not so humble this morning, so I thought I'd give my ego a run off the chain and show you what is quite likely to be the greatest photo ever taken of the Taj Mahal. Approximately 20000 people visit the Taj Mahal every day. Let's say they each take 15 photos of it. … Continue reading Greatest Photo Ever Taken of the Taj Mahal

Stock photography

Next Photography Adventure Is Go

Sometimes professional photography is about putting in years and years of hard work so you know exactly how to set the camera, focus it and be in exactly the right place at the right time to get a brilliant image that everyone else sees as a lucky shot. And here is that image. And in … Continue reading Next Photography Adventure Is Go